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Names and words that are registered trademarks of Harley Davidson® Inc.Milwaukee,
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The following model designations for Harley-Davidson motorcycles can be used in this Site for reference only: EL, FL , FLH, FLHR, FLHS, FLHT, FLHTC, FLHTC-1, FLHTC Ultra Classic, FLHX, FLST, FLSTC, FLSTR, FLSTN, FLT, FLTC, FLTC Ultra Classic, FXB, FXD, FXDB, FXDC, FXDG, FXDL, FXDS, FXDS-Conv., FXDWG, FXE, FXEF, FXLR, FXR, FXRC, FXRD, FXRDG, FXRP, FXRS, FXRSE, FXRS-Conv., FXRS-SP, FXRT, FXS, FXSB, FXST, FXSTC, FXSTS, FXSTSB, FXWG, GE, K, KH, WL, WLA, XL, XLCH, XLCR, XLH, XLH 883, XLH 1100, XLH 1200, XLR, XLS, XLT, XLX AND XR-1000.
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